Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Teletype Art Grass Mountain Taipei, Taiwan

An e-mail from my first Stratcom contact opened up memories that had been buried. Teletype art usually began to arrive around the end-of-year holidays.

Since our Univac 1004 had been installed long before December of 1968, we were able to receive this art quickly. Sending or printing it was another story.

Our machines only had a top speed of 100 wpm, and some of these mailings took seemingly forever to print or send on to our Air Force locations.

Here are a few one-page samples. You may want to stand back from your monitor to get a better look at them. Thanks go to which has over 260 documents in its collection. Some go way beyond wishing someone a happy holiday. 

This would be the typical Christmas greeting which usually had the point of origin. Seldom were they signed.

Abe Lincoln may not be looking too crisp. Clicking on this one shows that his profile is composed from all the words in his Gettysburg Address. Very creative and unique, don't you agree?

Stan Laurel

Oliver Hardy


Alfred E. Neuman-- --What, me worry?

Brigette Bardot

Thanks go out to Gary Roske from Tech Control on this one. Unfortunately, the bottom two-thirds had to be deleted. Can't get by those censors!


  1. tech control Gary when was he there
    I was TTY MAINT Grass Mountain 69-71

  2. Anything NEW GUS tty maint.
