For all of us who believe in the of freedom to establish a business with very little government interference, Major Betty's was the pinnacle of this economic philosophy.
Not only was she an independent contractor and mentor to many, but she also eluded the tax people for years.
If she had been a politically active American, her party of choice would have been the Libertarian. If not, she would have been an Independent.
Unfortunately, we have no pictures to confirm her palace of pleasure, nor do we have an exact location from which she plied her expertise.
Maybe that's the way it should be. The place was part myth, part legend and wholly owned by a sole proprietor.
Most of us knew the location simply as "down there" or "near this place."
Regardless, if a person wished to find her office, it certainly wasn't hard.
We can all agree, I believe, that this institution had a rich oral history.
Not all of Taipei's nighttime fun was limited to the area near the Chung Shan and Min Chuan intersection. Linsen North Road was quite familiar to many of us who bounced around downtown.
Linsen North is actually a shortcut for the clever cab driver. It begins way downtown and runs north next to Chung Shan North Road until it dead ends at the Min Tsu East Road intersection.
The Google Earth maps of today showing this area very much coincide with the great maps of 1970 that can be found on Nightlife I and II.
Just click this link and look for yourself. If you like maps, you will have hit the jackpot.
We are looking north across Min Chuan East Road. Above us, and all around the intersection is the pedestrian overpass which is still used today.
It crosses over Min Chuan East Road and Linsen North Road.
That primary school on the right was there in 1970 and still takes up a considerable amount of real estate east and north of this vantage point. It makes sense to have a secure walkway to the school.
On the previous post, the day and night photos of downtown Taipei were taken from the bridge across Min Chuan East Road.
As the stairway comes down on the east side of Linsen North Road, the wall around the primary school can be easily seen.
The buildings on the left seem to be mostly new.
As the road progresses northward, the murals on the walls surrounding the primary school show how large this educational area was, and still is.
Photo by Carpenter 1970; Courtesy of
An alley marks the end of the school. In 1970, this picture of the Union Hotel shows what was standing directly on the other side of the alley.
It was a fairly new hotel in 1968. Our Grass Mountain NCOIC and his family stayed there until their house in Tien Mou was ready for residency.
It is easier today to see how the wall surrounding the school stops at the alley. On the other side of the alley where the Union Hotel once stood is a hospital.
After my checking with the foremost experts in Taipei architecture, the consensus seems to be that the building we see is not the basic Union Hotel with many many additions to it.
So, here is the hospital and a direct view east. This alley (lane) and all streets heading east in this area led eventually to a locally famous benjo ditch back then.
Eventually, crossing this ditch led to a commercial area full of goods and services and services for sale.
For those of you familiar with this area at one time, the change to it is impressive. This is the Nongan Street intersection.
Turning left leads to the Florida Bakery near the Chung Shan North Road intersection.
Turning right led to the ditch in the 1960s, but now a right turn offers a few surprises.
This is Nongan Street heading east near the present-day overhead expressway.
What we have is a 24 hour hotel. Yes, check in and out at any time, any day. I'm told that this is a perfectly innocent convenience of a legitimate hotel.
In our Taipei days, there were many of these short-term rests for the weary. Some rented by the hour or a little more. Whether the linen, sheets and pillow cases were changed was a different story.
Continuing north, we approach the familiar Imperial Hotel on the left.
The Imperial was a going concern in 1968, but was not included on the list of recommended hotels in the 1967 guide book used many times in this blog.
It was also off-limits to those on R and R.
Today, however, it is rated as a 4-Star hotel by some travel agencies.
The lanes on either side of the Imperial lead to many bars and pubs. Whether the difference in names today is of any practical significance I don't know.
Back in the Vietnam War years, there certainly was a profound difference when an establishment called itself a bar or a club.
Continuing north, on the east side of Linsen is a tailor shop touting its quality.
The temple on the northwest corner signifies the approach to the Dehui Street intersection.
After passing through this intersection, we are getting closer to the area made famous by The Major.
It's one of the three alleys remaining on the left (west) side of Linsen North Road.
This is alley A which runs behind what once was the President Hotel and the old temple.
Next is alley B which might have been just another lane. This and the other 2 lanes can be traveled using Google Earth Street View.
Finally we pass alley C which, today, is just south of the Riviera Hotel. The hotel wasn't there in the 1960s.
The Riviera stands at the corner of Linsen North Road and Min Tsu East Road.
The gate across the street is at the approximate entrance to the old Signal Compound.
Back in 1968-69, Min Tsu East Road was a two lane street that was not heavily traveled. Its widening began in the summer of 1969.
So, was it located near alleys A, B, or C.?
Maybe it was situated somewhere else, or headquarters may have been constantly changing to avoid the intangible tax.
If you would like to participate, perhaps we can get it nailed.
First, you might want to check a 1970 map at the Dawgflight link above.
Then send an anonymous comment indicating your vote. All legitimate comments will be welcomed.
Don and Kent have posted some remarkable topics and have gotten little or no response in the form of a comment.
Now is the opportunity to take a little time and give us the skinny!